Upgrading to Windows XP sometimes requires the installation of new drivers. Tivoli Remote Control requires specially modified keyboard and mouse drivers that have been detected on your system. In order to use Tivoli Remote Control with Windows XP, updated Tivoli keyboard and mouse drivers will need to be installed to replace the current drivers.

New drivers for Tivoli Remote Control that support Windows XP are available in Patch 3.6.5-RCL-0003, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer's Web site. (You will need a valid Tivoli Support User ID to download these drivers.)

If you choose to continue with the installation and have not installed the new drivers, Windows XP Setup will disable the existing Tivoli Remote Control drivers and you will no longer be able to use Tivoli Remote Control to control this computer. However, installing the Tivoli patch after completing the upgrade to Windows XP will restore Tivoli Remote Control functionality.

For a list of software supported by this version of Microsoft Windows, see the Microsoft Windows XP Compatibility List at  http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=whistler&ar=help&sba=compatible.